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Federal Reserve Announces 2024 Meeting Schedule

Federal Reserve Announces 2024 Meeting Schedule

Key Dates for Investors

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has announced its tentative meeting schedule for 2024. The FOMC, which sets interest rates, is scheduled to meet eight times throughout the year, including a two-day meeting on July 30-31, 2024. This is one of the key dates that investors will be watching closely, as the FOMC is expected to make decisions on interest rates at these meetings.

Measured Rate Cuts Anticipated

According to analysts, the FOMC is expected to ultimately cut interest rates in 2024, but in a measured way. This means that the FOMC is likely to proceed cautiously, making small reductions to interest rates over time. This gradual approach is expected to help the economy avoid a sharp downturn.

Five Takeaways from the Last FOMC Meeting

The FOMC's last meeting was held on January 24-25, 2023. At that meeting, the FOMC raised interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point, marking the first rate hike since 2018. The FOMC also released a statement indicating that it expects to continue raising rates gradually throughout the year. Here are five key takeaways from that meeting and the press conference held by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell:

  • The FOMC raised interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point.
  • The FOMC expects to continue raising rates gradually throughout the year.
  • The FOMC is closely monitoring inflation and economic data.
  • The FOMC is committed to maintaining price stability.
  • The FOMC is confident that the economy is strong enough to withstand gradual rate hikes.
